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Electroepilation - it doesn't hurt

The sensation or feeling of pain is perceived differently by everyone. Some clients are so relaxed that they even fall asleep during the procedure. For very sensitive areas, there are different options to reduce pain.

Not all areas are the same
The degree of pain also depends on the treatment area. Some areas, such as the upper lip, are known to be more sensitive than areas such as the eyebrows.

As the famous electrologist Arthur Hinkel said, "A painless cure is probably a useless cure."
Fortunately for you, that was a long time ago. The world has developed, and now electroepilation technology works on completely different principles, and the procedure is performed with modern equipment.

What is pain and why does electroepilation cause pain?

The perception of pain encompasses much more than just sensation. The emotional components of pain are often as important as the production and transmission of the pain signal itself. Thus, pain can only be perceived as a "signal" that something is wrong in the body until it reaches the emotional brain, where the signal becomes what we experience as pain. Reducing fear and anxiety cannot be underestimated as a factor in alleviating pain.

What can we do against pain?

Pain reduction methods can be divided into two categories:

1) Psychological methods - if you are calm, you will feel less pain. People who are anxious and nervous feel more pain than people who are calm and relaxed. At, every effort is made to create a calm and serene atmosphere during the procedure so that you feel safe and relaxed.
2) Physical agents include drugs and anesthetics that completely block nerve impulses at the local level.

This is also possible because the electroepilation procedure at is performed by a medically trained electrologist.



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