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Underarm electroepilation

Treatment time: from 2-4 hours

Approximate cost: from PLN 390

Underarm electroepilation is an effective way to remove hair permanently. Underarm hair removal is essential for every woman, both for hygienic and aesthetic reasons. Underarm hair is an additional cause of excessive sweating, and its presence can affect one's sense of neatness, especially in the warmer months when wearing light, sleeveless clothing.

Underarm hair removal with electroepilation is a service often chosen at our office. This method removes hair permanently, affecting the root of the hair. If necessary, our specialist can offer anesthesia to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Have your underarm hair removed by electroepilation at our office and gain confidence in any situation.

Underarm electroepilation
| underarm epilation


The electroepilation method is completely safe for health. When removing hair with an electric current, the thermal energy acts on the hair follicle, stem cells (which make up the hair) and the vessels that supply them. Other structures, organs and tissues are not affected.

In my office, I use only disposable sterile materials individually for each client.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which also controls medical uses, allows the use of the label

"Permanent hair removal" is reserved for this method of hair removal only, while photoepilation and laser hair removal are referred to as "permanent hair reduction".

Reviews electroepilation of underarms

Electrolysis of armpits - saving money and time:

One of the advantages of electroepilation is that it requires fewer repeat treatments than other hair removal methods. After the first treatment, most clients need to return for follow-up appointments only every two months.

More hair is removed during the first treatment than during subsequent visits. With each electroepilation session, the time will be much shorter.

That's why at we charge for the time spent on the treatment, not the area treated, thus reducing the cost of your visits. Most importantly, the result of electroepilation stays with you forever.

Konsultacje dotyczące usuwania włosów pod pachami

Jeśli wcześniej nie wykonywali Państwo zabiegu elektrolizy, zalecamy rozpoczęcie kursu od konsultacji. Podczas konsultacji specjalista przeprowadzi test alergii na prąd elektryczny oraz wykona próbny zabieg trwający 15 minut na jednej lub kilku wybranych strefach. Indywidualnie oceni przypadek i określi, ile czasu będzie potrzebne na całkowite usunięcie włosów z wybranego obszaru. Specjalista również opracuje wstępny plan zabiegów i odpowie na wszystkie pytania.

Total consultation time - 30 minutes

Consultation fee - PLN 100

Consultation electroepilation of forehead hair

Frequently asked questions about electroepilation

How to get rid of armpit hair?

Want to get rid of underarm hair for good? Apply now for an electroepilation treatment! This fast and effective method of underarm hair removal will make you look clear and attractive. Our trained specialists will help you achieve the desired results without too much effort.

Price of hair removal treatment of armpit area by electroepilation method

It is difficult to determine the exact cost due to the individual characteristics of each person. During the consultation, after a visual inspection, the master will assess the area and density of the hair and will tell you how much time will be needed for removal. As an approximation, this can range from 30 to 60 minutes.

Is there any pain during the electroepilation treatment of hair in the armpit area?

Since people's perception of pain varies greatly, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question. Electroepilation is not a relaxing procedure, but it is quite bearable. During the consultation, we will determine your sensitivity together.

If you are more sensitive to pain, there is an option to self-apply a pain cream about 1 hour before the procedure.

How safe is electroepilation in the underarm area?

How safe is eleApproved by the American Institute of Health (FDA) and the German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, electroepilation of the underarms permanently removes hair using electric current, ensuring the effectiveness and safety of the treatment. Electroepilation is safe for all skin and hair types and for people of all ages and ethnicities, including those with tattoos.Electroepilation in the underarm area?

What are the side effects after electroepilation in the armpit area?

Temporary redness or irritation of the skin may occur, but usually disappears in a short time.

What is the recovery period after electroepilation of underarm hair?

The recovery period is usually minimal. It is recommended to avoid makeup and intense sunlight for several days.

How to make an appointment for hair removal of the underarm area by electroepilation?

To make an appointment for an underarm hair removal treatment, select the length of the treatment and click the "Make an appointment" button. Then select a convenient date and time on the calendar, enter your contact information and the area of hair removal. If this is your first visit, you will need to fill out a client questionnaire. After your appointment, you will receive a text message and email confirming your visit, and informational materials will be sent to your email address to help you prepare for the procedure. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in any way. Registration link:

Effectiveness of electroepilation for light-colored hair in the underarm area

With electroepilation, hair color does not matter. All hair, regardless of color, can be permanently removed.

Can I remove curly hair, gray hair or fine, slightly frizzy hair?

Yes, electroepilation can remove all hair, regardless of texture or color.

How long does it take to remove underarm hair with electroepilation?

Everyone is different, some people have thick hair, some people have sparse hair, and the time it takes to remove hair from the same area is difficult to predict for different people. However, with each session there will be less and less hair in the treated area, which means that with subsequent treatments the time will decrease with the price of the session.

How many underarm electroepilation sessions may be required?

The number of treatments is very individualized. It depends on the hair removal method used, genetics and hormones. On average, from 8 to 18 treatments.

No maintenance treatments are required after the electroepilation course. Hair does not grow back.

How can electroepilation help get rid of hair in the armpit area?

Underarm electroepilation is an effective method of hair removal, requiring several sessions for complete removal.

What are the advantages of electroepilation over other methods of underarm hair removal?

Underarm electroepilation provides long-lasting hair removal with precision and safety.

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