Electroepilation of the abdominal line
Treatment time: from 1-3 hours
Approximate cost: from PLN 205
The presence of hair on the belly of females causes complexes and insecurity. Usually the hair in this area is single and girls remove it with tweezers. But what to do when the belly line is covered with a rather spectacular cover of hair?
Electroepilation is the most effective method of removing belly hair, which will leave your skin smooth and soft, feminine and beautiful. During the procedure, a thin, disposable needle is inserted into each hair follicle - an electrode that is used to destroy the hair. electrode to which an electrical impulse is delivered that destroys the bulb.
Our practice guarantees that hair removal in the abdominal area using electroepilation is safe, effective and painless, and thanks to it you will look even more beautiful. We will be happy to help you solve your problem.

The electroepilation method is completely safe for health. When removing hair with an electric current, the thermal energy acts on the hair follicle, stem cells (which make up the hair) and the vessels that supply them. Other structures, organs and tissues are not affected.
In my office, I use only disposable sterile materials individually for each client.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which also controls medical uses, allows the use of the label
"Permanent hair removal" is reserved for this method of hair removal only, while photoepilation and laser hair removal are referred to as "permanent hair reduction".
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Electrolysis belly line - saving money and time:
One of the advantages of electroepilation is that it requires fewer treatments than other methods of hair removal. After the first treatment, most clients only need to return for follow-up visits every two months.
More hair is removed during the first treatment than at subsequent visits. With each electroepilation session, this time will be much shorter.
That is why at Elektroepilacja.pl we charge for the time spent on the treatment, not for the treated area, thanks to which we reduce the cost of your visits. Most importantly, the result of electroepilation stays with you forever.
Electroepilation of the abdominal line price list
Konsultacje dotyczące usuwania włosów linii brzucha
Jeśli wcześniej nie wykonywali Państwo zabiegu elektrolizy, zalecamy rozpoczęcie kursu od konsultacji. Podczas konsultacji specjalista przeprowadzi test alergii na prąd elektryczny oraz wykona próbny zabieg trwający 15 minut na jednej lub kilku wybranych strefach. Indywidualnie oceni przypadek i określi, ile czasu będzie potrzebne na całkowite usunięcie włosów z wybranego obszaru. Specjalista również opracuje wstępny plan zabiegów i odpowie na wszystkie pytania.
Total consultation time - 30 minutes
Consultation fee - PLN 100